About use of our site

This website is operated by Yonehachi Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") or its agent.Please use our website after agreeing to the following matters.

About copyright

Copyrights regarding our website and all works that make up our website (text, photographs, drawings, icons, logo marks, illustrations, designs, programs, etc.) belong to our company or the original author or other right holder. It belongs to.
Except for private use and other cases permitted by copyright law, acts such as reproduction, modification, public transmission, removal, distribution, licensing, sale, publication, reprinting on your website, etc. without obtaining permission from our company are prohibited. This is strictly prohibited by law, so please contact us in writing in advance to obtain permission.

About trademarks and trade names

Our trademarks and trade names are protected by trademark law and commercial law, and may not be used without permission.

About links

The Company does not provide any guarantees regarding links to or from the website. Please use the link source and link destination websites in accordance with their respective terms of use. In addition, our company will not be held responsible in the unlikely event that any damage occurs.
As a general rule, please set a link to our website on our top page (https://iwaiya-yonehachi.jp/). Please note that individual pages may be deleted due to content review.
If you would like to link to our website (including including the URL of our website in publications such as magazines and books), please contact us using the inquiry form in "Contact Us".

About cookies

In order to improve the convenience of our customers, our website uses "cookies", a mechanism that saves website browsing records on the browser of your PC, smartphone, tablet, etc. Please note that cookies do not contain personal information such as your name, address, telephone number, or email address.
If you wish to refuse the use of cookies, you can disable them on the browser settings screen of your device. Please check the help menu of each browser for the setting method.
Please note that if you disable cookies, some functions of our website and services may be limited.

About using Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics from Google Inc. to measure and analyze access status and improve the site. Google Analytics is managed based on Google's privacy policy.

GOOGLE Privacy Policy

Recommended site environment

In order to use this website more comfortably, we recommend the following browsers.
*Parts of the website may not be available in environments other than the recommended ones.
*Even under the recommended environment, the website may not display correctly depending on your browser settings.

PC environment

OS Windows10 or higher
Browser Microsoft Edge latest version,
Latest version of Google Chrome,
Mozilla Firefox latest version
OS Mac OS latest version
Browser Safari latest version
Smartphone environment
OS iOS latest version, Android latest version
Browser Apple Safari latest version,
Latest version of Google Chrome

Some pages on this website require Adobe Reader.
If you do not have it, please download it from here and use it.


Our company confirms the content and information provided on other websites (hereinafter collectively referred to as "content, etc.") in advance, but We do not guarantee the accuracy, usefulness, reliability, or any other kind of information on this website.
Our company will not be held responsible for any damage caused by the use of the content.
Additionally, the website structure, terms of use, URL, content, etc. may be changed or discontinued without prior notice. Please note.