Kichijoji Iwaiya Yonehachi is the main shop for Okowa speciality store Yonehachi and mochi speciality store Iwaiya.

With a long history as a okowa specialty store, our exquisite mochi is made possible by our skilled okowa master culinary artisans who are experienced in extracting the natural deliciousness of sticky rice.

We carefully select the most suitable ingredients to make our noshi mochi (flat square mochi) and chigiri mochi (small hand rolled mochi), in addition to our seasonal and other traditional mochi, which you can only buy at our main shop location.


We make our mochi with
thoughtfulness and dedication.

Exclusive products toKichijoji Iwaiya Yonehachi's main shop

Kusa mochi

From the early Heian Period (late 6th century) kusa mochi has been eaten to celebrate girls day in Japan. Our Kusa mochi is made from yomogi (Japanese mugwort) that is carefully hand picked and cultivated in the foothills of the Shirakami mountains on the outskirts of Akita Prefecture. Our kusa mochi is fragrant and vibrant. 

Anko (red bean paste)
Chigiri Mochi

Our anko is made from  azuki (red beans) from Hokkaido that have been carefully selected for the ideal size and color. The beans are soaked in water for 3 days and slowly simmered for 4 hours. It takes 1 day to hand blend them into anko. Our artisan anko is slowly handcrafted with care.

Kinako (toasted soybean powder)
Chigiri Mochi

We use Kurosu kinako for our mochi. Because it is a Kyoto favorite it is also known as Kyoto kinako. The soybeans are dark roasted to bring out their depth, fragrance and rich flavor. Please enjoy with our artisan house-made kuromitsu (black sugar) syrup.

Mitarashi (sweet soy glaze)
Chigiri Mochi

Our mitarashi is made using maru daizu soy sauce  from traditional soy sauce brewers who have passed down their craft for generations. Maru daizu soy sauce is painstakingly made from whole soybeans for a mild sweetness and perfect umami flavor. The mitarashi is thickened with premium yoshino kudzu (Japanese arrowroot) and warabiko (bracken powder) from Nara prefecture. The luxuriously thick mitarashi glaze gently covers the soft mochi for a delicious treat. 

Noshi Mochi

Mochi made from 1.8 kg of sticky rice is rolled into an even flat sheet to make this Noshi mochi. A unique and original method makes our noshi mochi easy to grill. It is supremely soft and flavorful. Our noshi mochi is resistant to shrinking and cracking so you can enjoy it with confidence.

Issho mochi

“Ichisho mochi” is a large mochi made using one sho of sticky rice (approximately 1.8 kg ). Our craftsmen will make this Issho Mochi with all their heart to celebrate your precious child's first birthday . Please feel free to contact us for a lifetime memory.

1-21-4 Minamicho Kichijoji, Musashino City, Tokyo
Phone: 0422-26-7848
4 minutes walk from the south
exit of Kichijoji Station
Adjacent to Inokashira Park

Business days: Every month, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays only
Business hours: 10:00-17:00
Summer holidays: August 2nd-31st
