
Mochi is a traditional Japanese rice cake. Iwaiya Yonehachi’s mochi is delectably soft and utterly delicious, made with only the most carefully selected ingredients and no additives or preservatives. Using our own unique methods, the secret to our mochi’s softness is the precise control of the amount of water we use. Our technique pulls out the natural flavor of the meticulously selected premium ingredients we use.

Domestic Production

The rice we use for our product is 100% grown in Japan. We carefully select the most suitable rice for our products, from a combination of only sweetest and most lustrous specially cultivated rice and organic rice to use in our products.   The azuki red beans and yomogi (Japanese mugwart) we use are also selected with care and 100% grown in Japan.

(Culinary Artisan)

Okowa is a traditional Japanese seasoned sticky rice dish made with seasonal ingredients. As an okowa speciality store, our exquisite mochi is made possible by our skilled okowa master culinary artisans.


Red bean rice is eaten to celebrate festive occasions and life events, and to pray for good health and good fortune. We make Issho mochi for your precious child’s first birthday celebration. (In Japan, Issho mochi is a 1.8 kg round mochi cake that children carry on their backs on their first birthday so they can grow to be strong and happy.) These traditions are the heart of Japan that we at Iwaiya wish to pass down to future generations. 


Japanese people eat mochi for special occasions. Since ancient times Japanese people have used mochi as an offering to the gods, imbued with their prayers and wishes. Through mochi we pray for health, happiness and celebrate. Iwaiya’s mission is to offer high quality mochi that people can eat with confidence as we carry on these precious traditions.

Verdant Rice Fields

The rice plant not only provides the rice we eat but also material for clothing and building. Because the whole plant is used, the rice plant represents peak sustainability. Now, as before, Japan is the country of rice. Iwaiya is grateful for this natural blessing and strives to pass down the culture and lifestyle of rice to future generations. 


Since ancient times, all over Japan during rice planting and harvest times festivals have been held to pray for an abundant harvest and express gratitude to nature.  These festivals are the origin of Noh and Kyogen traditional stage arts. Iwaiya’s mission is to pass down these deep feelings and traditional faith through our mochi. 

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